Hi! I’m a software engineer living in Barcelona. I develop applications (backend: python with Django, Android: kotlin & java, iOS: swift, web: React, infrastructure: Docker, Jenkins, Nginx, Postgres…) focusing on good architecture and clean code.

I’m working as freelancer right now… so if you are interested on working with me on your projects contact me via Linkedin!

My other passion is algorithmics. I’ve been learning and teaching and also participating in online contests such as Topcoder and Codeforces, using c++. Now I keep reading and practicing whenever I can.

It also defines me my devotion for critical thinking, pragmatic programming, software architecture, bootstrapping and learning about almost all, not necessarily in that order.


This blog aims to improve my programming and communication skills, my written english, strengthen what I learn and contribute to the community… I would be happy if that can be of any help to other developers. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any comment, whether good or bad!

